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      Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows, and Results Show!

Dear Fellow Ranchers,                                             Spring 2010

Welcome to the newsletter, The Pony Express! Spring is when the garden gets tilled and planted, and the growing season begins. Spring is the time of new beginnings. What a perfect time of year to kick off the mymontanadreamranch site!

Planting a successful garden is also a perfect metaphor for the Ranch Philosophy that "we reap what we sow," and planting a garden is a beautiful visual metaphor for the Law of Attraction in Action! For example, if we want to grow corn, we must plant corn; if we want to grow peas, we must plant peas. We cannot plant squash and then be disappointed that broccoli doesn't come up - we didn't plant broccoli. We reap what we sow!

It turns out life outside the garden walls, works the exact same way. Our thoughts are like seeds. If we "plant" angry thoughts in our lives by focusing on all the things that make us angry, we should not be surprised that angry people and angry circumstances show up in our lives. It is, after all, what we planted!

If we spend our time complaining about how "unfair" life is or whatever our "complaining mantra" happens to be, we should not be surprised to find the very thing we are complaining about becoming a huge part of our life. What we focus on, we attract. As the saying goes, "Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show!" And that is actually Good News!

When we give attention and energy to what we have planted, when we water, weed and nourish it, it flourishes! In order for good experiences and good people to show up in our lives, we need to give our attention and our energy to good experiences and good people. This may not always be easy to do, but there is one thing for certain, it is the only way it happens - the only way! Check out the Golden Nuggets page where you will receive inspirational ideas Monday through Friday that will help you multiply positive experiences in your life.

Here at the Dayton Creek Family Ranch, we are committed to keeping our focus on all that is beautiful and wonderful. We hope will be the seed, the water and the sunshine you need to nurture and nourish your own positive thoughts and positive experiences. We hope this site will be a place you can visit, take a deep breath, and be reminded of all that is good and wonderful about being alive! In fact, if you want to slow life down for a minute, visit the Ranch Solitude page. Experience two minutes watching and listening to the creek pass by, and see what that does to rejuvenate your spirit and nourish your soul!

We believe Happy Hearts send out "happy energy frequencies" to the entire planet thus helping to Raise the Feel Good Consciousness of the World One Click at a Time!TM  

We know what we choose to focus on will become our experience of life, and we know if we want to harvest more positive experiences we just have to plant, nourish and tend to them. We know we can only harvest from the garden of our life that which we sow. Here's to planting consciously!


The mymontanadreamranch family



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