Raising the Feel Good Consciousness of the World One Click at a Time!TM


                                       Even Mother Nature agrees 
this is a magical dream ranch; 
                                                      witness the rainbow!

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Welcome to mymontanadreamranch.com known in this neck of the woods as the Dayton Creek Family Ranch. From the comfort of your own home or office, this website will give you the opportunity to experience all the exciting and interesting adventures as well as the breathtaking beauty of this working Montana Cattle Ranch. There is no cost to access all of the entertainment and information described below and make this special site a Feel Good part of your daily life!

Go to the Join Up rope on the Howdy Pardner page to sign up to access all the entertainment and information listed below and more for FREE!  New entertainment and information will be added on a regular basis. Just click on the New Item Star on the Howdy Pardner page to find out What's New!



ENTERTAIN you with the daily adventures and antics of the ranch animals and people including videos of barn dances, hay rides, cattle round ups and other ranch experiences throughout the year. Almost every experience you will have will be accompanied by music that will literally put a song in your heart! You will smile, laugh out loud, and escape to a place that is guaranteed to raise your spirits!

INFORM you with organic gardening tips, healthy cooking recipes, 4-H projects, important facts and figures about raising Heritage Breed animals, and insights into what life was like 100 years ago on the ranch through diaries discovered in the old ranch house. We will be sharing many wonderful resources with you that we feel help us to live more fulfilling lives. These resources will show up on the pages where they are appropriate, but you can always go to the Useful Links page directly.

INSPIRE you to live your best life, as you are motivated by the ranch stories and experiences, as well as the Golden Nuggets offered to you Monday thru Friday. These Nuggets are intended to encourage and inspire you to improve your own lives and the lives of all you come in contact with in the course of your day. You will also have an opportunity each day, should you choose to accept it, to experience an "attitude adjustment" on the Ranch Solitude page as well as through the Ranch Solitude videos. Enjoy!

Be sure and visit our Site Map to get a sneak peak of what's available!

We are serious when we tell you our mission in life is to Raise the Feel Good Consciousness of the World One Click at a Time!TM  When you visit mymontanadreamranch.com, you will be visiting a place where you will be reminded of all that is good, and wonderful, and positive and exciting about life and about being alive on Planet Earth!

We invite you to take a few minutes each day to escape  to a place where Feeling Good Comes NaturallyTM, a place where in just a matter of seconds, you can rejuvenate and nourish your Spirit! In fact, we believe after using the site for a spell, you will get to the point where all you have to do is think "mymontanadreamranch.com" and your lungs will fill up with fresh air, a smile will come to your face, and you'll suddenly look 10 years younger. Hey, it could happen!

Another thing we know for sure and for certain is that we created this website because we want to share the peaceful feelings we experience on the ranch as well as the exciting adventures we have here. If there is anything about the site that you feel needs improvement, please share your ideas with us. We are open to your suggestions, and if we can make them happen, we will! Click Here, or visit the Give Us a Holler page to e-mail us.

We would like to offer a little warning! This content rich site really does offer hours and hours and hours of sights and sounds to enjoy. For heaven's sake don't drive yourself crazy by trying to power through it in one sitting!Come here when you need a break and let yourself savor every delicious piece of this seven layer cake!

We are especially pleased about the music we are using on the site. You can always mute it, of course, but most likely, you are going to want to know where to get it!  For a goodly portion of it, you can go to the following site  www.cumberlandmusic.com where you will find not only the music we use on this site, but even more great CD's!

 Let us introduce ourselves:


Hi, I'm Greg Bain, pictured above with my wonderful wife, Clare LaMeres, and her horse Cherokee. I designed the ranch buildings, and my company built them. I'm a fourth generation Montana native, and a second generation builder. I've lived in the Flathead Valley all of my life. Having spent my childhood summers playing and working on my uncle's ranch which is adjacent to ours, it has been my lifelong dream to own and enjoy a ranch like the Dayton Creek Family Ranch. My dream has come true, and I hope to share that dream with you through this website. I have five children, three boys and two girls ages 25 to 35, and seven grandaughters ages 1 month to 7 years of age, and one 13 year old grandson, plus one more grandchild on the way in December. You can learn more about my Design/Build company by going to www.gregbain.com.

Hello, I'm Clare LaMeres, and I am so happy to be sharing this beautiful ranch with you. I have lived in Montana for a total of 22 years on and off since I was 2 years of age. In my mid-teens our family moved to Los Angeles, California where I lived for 37 years before returning in 1999 to what I consider to be my "home" state, Montana! I taught high school English in Huntington Beach, California, and then in 1986, I "hit the road" and traveled throughout the United States and Canada giving motivational speeches to teachers and parents on the ideas in my book, The Winner's Circle: Yes I Can! Self Esteem Lessons for the Secondary Classroom. I enjoy sharing ranch experiences with my "one of a kind" wonderful husband,  with family and friends, and now with all of you!





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